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Organic food, a marketing approach?

Hello sweeties,

Ready to discuss a more valuable topic today? Let's go then!

Have you ever thought organic food was environmentally friendly or healthier?

If so you're at the right place here as we'll cover and tackle some important organic food realities.

First thing first, let me clarify what organic food is because let's be honest most of us are a bit fuzzy about that (me first, this is why I came up with this article). But don't sweat it, after having read this post, everything's gonna be clearer.

So after having gone through several definitions I combined some and I would say that organic food is considered as agricultural and natural produces that are grown and processed respecting strict standards that mostly imply not using chemically based fertilizers or pesticides genetically modified and irradiated. Organic food can also refer to animals' products treated by using animal-friendly methods.

This being said I'll cover some facts that were quite ambiguous to me. I'm pretty sure we've all seen these green packages with an organic certified label displayed on it when shopping. But is this product really healthier or greener? Let's see together.

Is organic food healthier?

By reading some different articles I was kind of lost about the healthy virtue of organic food. But I finally figured out that organic farming remains better for our health than conventional farming. Actually, because it is GMO-free it also reduces the risks of cancers, Alzheimer, intestinal troubles, and so many more diseases. Also, organic food is more nutritional containing antioxidants, vitamin C, calcium, iron, chromium, and magnesium. However, organic food doesn't really mean no pesticides AT ALL but fewer! Those are controlled and not irradiated, but still they include residue because of airborne pesticides coming from other conventional farming. Plus, depending on one country's regulation the number of pesticides allowed can differ. You also have to know that farmers are asking for even more pesticide uses in their organic farming...

Is organic food environmentally-friendly?

One important dot to clarify is that organic food DOESN'T mean FULLY environmentally friendly. Of course, it is way more sustainable as it requires fewer pesticides ending up by enhancing soil quality and biodiversity. But, there is still one element to highlight; it has been proved by Chalmers University of Technology (studying natural science) that sometimes organic farming may release more greenhouse gas. So what should we do? Apparently, consuming organic food stays better than consuming conventional food. Yet, it appears that eating organic meat is less environmentally friendly than eating conventionally produced fruits or veggies. Concerning wildlife, going fully organic isn't the solution as it requires lots of land ending up destroying tons of forests. The best solution, for now, remains the decrease in meat consumption.

Why is organic food more expensive?

Simply because it involves the respect of strict standards costing money and time.

Conclusion? I would say that there doesn't exist one ultimate solution. We first have to be vigilant especially to green-washing and stop being blinded by sensorial marketing anymore. Yes, buying ugly apples is far better than buying brilliant and very red apples! One great way to contribute to the environment while eating properly is, to me, by having our own garden and growing seasonal veggies and fruits.

So this is it. I hope you enjoyed the reading and that you're now more aware of what organic food is.

Kiss, kiss,




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